Sunday, 18 July 2010

So Proud!!!......and a "little" news?!

Once again, I find myself so behind with my blogging! - I have to admit that a few weeks ago I had a little set back with it, some of you will know why :-( - I'm not going to bother with the details 'cause its just too crazy!! - BUT, I have just been itching to post this blog, for which I put together very quickly, this 'cricket' card.

Last week my oldest was selected to play cricket for the youths (u17) England team :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) (lots of smiley faces!!!). We are proud parents anyway, but after all the hard work, training etc that he has put in, its just such an achievement - he's excited and we are all excited for him too.......hence the reason why I had to put together this card so quickly, as we found out Tuesday (pm) and were going out for dinner Thursday to celebrate- not to mention how lucky I was to come across a cricket stamp plate, as I didnt have one and trying to find a card in the shops (yes, I'm afraid I have to admitt that I often find myself having to buy cards....a little thing called 'lack of time'!!! - except really special occassions!) was a dead end! - Anyway, I found one and managed to get it made by Thursday!....

Now I also do have a 'little' news, and if you're one of my friends/followers on facebook - (there's a FB link on side), you'll be able to see what I'm talking about! - sorry bloggers!!! - just takes too long to download pics on here!.

Anyway, all for now - hope to be back soon (always hoping!!!!) with some new Xmas projects...yes, I did say "Xmas" lol xx

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

A First and a Last!!

A few weeks ago was Sports Day at my two youngest's school, and this year was a bit eventful as it would be Emma's last Sports day before moving onto High School, but also Nicholas's first! - I even let Michael (Big Bro) take the day out of school to come watch and support - (and to think it wasn't that long ago that he left there!!...and now at only 14 nearly 15 - he towers over me!)

Emma - ready for the beanbag throwing!

Just finishing a race

(Emma & Cherie)
John's House (i.e the yellow team!)
Year 6 - Class of 2010
Having a little break!
Beanbag throwing!!
Nicholas with his friend Luke.
Just about to start the egg and spoon race.
Nicholas with his friend Noah.

It was a good day, the weather was really great!

So, my little girl moves on to high school, and I have 6 more years ahead of sports day - and I'm going to enjoy them all and not miss a single one (haven't done so far!), because time flies too quick, kids grow up so quick and before you know it they're off leading their own lifes. lol
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