Far too long.......and not only on the blogging side of things either!!! To say I'm having withdrawal symptoms - is a total understatement!!!! However, I just had to break this awful pattern at least to give you this incredible news...............
Yes, you guessed it.......lil' o' me and a friend are going to this incredible event on the 25/2/11. Oh we are so super excited (thats an understatement too!!!!!) we're counting down!!!....
Let us know if you are coming too - it will be fab!!!
Will desperately try to update my blog as soon as I can - but it's also Ally Pally next week and we will be there working all weekend.........so do stop by the Particraft stand and come say hello........
P.S. Does anyone know how to stop these riddiculous comments I keep getting about buying flowers and chocolates - obviously a blog form of spam and very annoying!!!!
lol xx