Thursday 26 June 2008

Put on the Spot!...

I had an non stop jammed back day today, starting with Emma's Sports Day, a BIG food shop, taking my youngest to stay with his grandparents in London, getting back just in time for dinner and then my friend popped round to pick up a fancy dress costume she is borrowing, with her sister-in-law, who subsequently became fascinated with my dining room aka my 'craft room' (don't ask - long story!!...) one thing leads to another and she then asked me if I wouldn't mind showing her how she could use one of my stamps she saw that she really liked.....its almost 11pm......and not being able to refuse, I made this card in all of about 10mins with paper, adirondack pens, wizard nestabillities and some cs glitter and my printer for the phrase....of course I would have loved to be able to show something better i.e cs fibres/films etc., but it was late my friend wanted to get home - but she really loved it and I got to take a picture before she left with it and she now wants to try and get some friends together to hold a party!

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