So why have I been away so long (and missed my blog candy announcement! - I'll do that next)? Well, there's good and bad news.....the Thursday after my last post we had a phone call to say that my father-in-law had suffered a heart attack - he's 86 and he was not doing too good, hence we dropped everything, my Mum came to look after my kids, whilst I left to go help my inlaws I was there for almost a week until he was discharged and glad to say he is now recovering well and my sister-in-law has been given some days to be at home to help out.
But the saga doesn't end there - when I got home of course I had a million things to catch up with including making some nativity costumes for my sons nursery that I had promised a while ago that I would help out with, so that was another few days gone - here are some pics of the costumes (2 Santas - 4 Angels - Mary - and Joseph played by my little one)
My daughter is also having to go to various rehersals for their Christmas pantomime of the Wizard of Oz on ice, and then as of next week we'll be at the rink everyday for 5 days!!!-

Then there's Christmas THINGS to start sorting out, presents, decorations, tree, cards etc etc etc - and next Monday I've booked up for us to go to Lapland UK (New Forest), I'll let you know how it went!
So basically that's what's been going on - I have been swamped, I've had no crafting timing up until yesterday when I sat down in my craft room for the first time in what seemed SUCH A LONG time - But here's a card I made just before things went pearshaped - its 'Simone' from Toodles & Binks and now they have some more new fab designs which you can see here - hopefully from now things will resume to some sort of normality!
Thanks for sticking with me and for your understanding! lol x
You have been swamped, glad to hear that your FIL is much improved, hope you can get settled down to some fun crafting soon
Nice to hear you're back, this creation is gorgeous, love the image you've used.
Forget to praise you on those wonderful costumes, job well done, I love sewing as well.
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