Sunday, 19 September 2010
OMG!! - How long has it been???!!!!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
So Proud!!!......and a "little" news?!
Once again, I find myself so behind with my blogging! - I have to admit that a few weeks ago I had a little set back with it, some of you will know why :-( - I'm not going to bother with the details 'cause its just too crazy!! - BUT, I have just been itching to post this blog, for which I put together very quickly, this 'cricket' card.
Last week my oldest was selected to play cricket for the youths (u17) England team :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) (lots of smiley faces!!!). We are proud parents anyway, but after all the hard work, training etc that he has put in, its just such an achievement - he's excited and we are all excited for him too.......hence the reason why I had to put together this card so quickly, as we found out Tuesday (pm) and were going out for dinner Thursday to celebrate- not to mention how lucky I was to come across a cricket stamp plate, as I didnt have one and trying to find a card in the shops (yes, I'm afraid I have to admitt that I often find myself having to buy cards....a little thing called 'lack of time'!!! - except really special occassions!) was a dead end! - Anyway, I found one and managed to get it made by Thursday!....
Now I also do have a 'little' news, and if you're one of my friends/followers on facebook - (there's a FB link on side), you'll be able to see what I'm talking about! - sorry bloggers!!! - just takes too long to download pics on here!.
Anyway, all for now - hope to be back soon (always hoping!!!!) with some new Xmas projects...yes, I did say "Xmas" lol xx
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
A First and a Last!!
Emma - ready for the beanbag throwing!
Just finishing a race
It was a good day, the weather was really great!
So, my little girl moves on to high school, and I have 6 more years ahead of sports day - and I'm going to enjoy them all and not miss a single one (haven't done so far!), because time flies too quick, kids grow up so quick and before you know it they're off leading their own lifes. lol
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Hello Ladies!!
And when I find my version of the completed project I will post that here too, however, in the aftermath of getting everything away....I can't find it!!! so for now, some more pics of the ladies at work!!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Playing with Julia!!
Friday, 11 June 2010
And the winner is.........................and "Save the Date"!!
CARMEN ("The Vintage Rock Chic")
As always I would just like to thank everybody that participated and to everyone that takes the time to visit my blog, become followers and for all your wonderful comments.....without YOU it would mean nothing!!!
I'm still rushed off my feet at mo, busy with work, workshops, sample deadlines, kids, My birthday (thank you to all those that sent me messages, lul) life!!! - and as promised I shall try and get back with some new projects soon and more candy (a very unique candy!)
Now for my SAVE THE DATE!! what's that, you're all wandering - well, it's just that....for now, if you don't want to miss out, keep this date free - I will be posting more details shortly, but for now, if you want to be a part of a very special "Crafting" day, put in your diaries the following:
I will post more info/details soon, but if you think you might be interested drop me an email here, as we are already taking bookings.
Back soon - lol
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
My First TGF & another Sweetpea!!
This is "Cheeky Rockabilly" - I searched high and low here in the UK to get them, but eventually had to order them here. Ive now also bought myself a couple of the other characters that I initially liked, including Edward.....projects with those to follow!!.....
And finally here is another Sweetpea project, I just really love these too!!!!
Back with more soon AND stay tuned as I will soon be announcing some very exciting news about an event that will be happening in October 2010!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Happy Crafting!
Sunday, 9 May 2010
So Much Catching up to do!!!
However, today, for the first time in weeks, dare I say even months....I actually sat down to do some crafting (see my next post!). I have still been acquiring loads of new stuff, from new stamps, punches, papers, paints even a new cricut yes, today I thought, enough is enough!!!
Anyway, I will just post some piccies here just to kidda update you and will post my project in the next post.
Thanks for being patient and still dropping by! lol x

Watch out for these fab eco-friendly products launched at Stitches!

Day out at the show in Stevenage, despite the smile, I was feeling pretty low that day, but these guys soon put me to rights! lul xx
(Lynne, Me, Terry, Chris, Lynsay, and Lynne's Mum)
Ally Pally (April 10/11)
Picture courtesy of Pam (btw - check out Pam's delicious blog candy!!)
Thanks again to everyone lol xxx
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
BSSS - aka Ali Pali!!

The April Show will take place on:
Sat 10th & Sun 11th April 2010
We look forward to seeing you there!
To find out more about the show log on to
Here’s what’s on offer:
■Over 60 retailers showcasing an amazing array of papercraft products
■FREE product demonstrations, offering advice and inspiration from the experts
■FREE prize draws and competitions
■FREE car parking, cloakroom and courtesy buses