Friday 27 February 2009

March Blog Candy - Xtra Special!!

Here is my March blog candy - I have made it an extra special one as I have now reached over 10,000 visitors - which is absolutely PHENOMENAL!!!!

So, as well as running the usual monthly blog candy, I thought I would make it an extra special one, by way of saying "Thank You" to all who stop by and to those who stop by and leave comments. I really do appreciate every single one!

My blog candy ranges from unmounted stamps, Rachelle Anne Miller stamp, Image cd, Tim Holts/Ranger products to include ink pads, grunge board, dabbers etc - die cut letters/shapes, papers, ribbons, embelishments, pro-marker pens - glitter and so on and so on and all new!!

As per norm, all you need to do for your chance to win is leave me a comment in this post by Friday 27th March 11pm (GMT) link me to your blog mentioning my blog candy (that gets you double entry in the draw!) and that's it.

I will announce the winner here on my blog on the Monday/Tuesday following. Good Luck!


1 – 200 of 323   Newer›   Newest»
Carol said...

I love visiting your blog to see what you've created. Awesome blog candy - I've always wanted a Rachelle Anne Miller stamp! Off to link you now. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Bunny B said...

Hi Maria! Congrats on your hits! I've been a loyal reader via google but not a loyal commentator :( But I do enjoy all your updates! Linked you:
Thanks again!

Кристина said...

Hello, Maria!
your candy Is really special, it's so cute! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get ti! And thatnks again for the inspiration, your works are wonderful!
I linked in my blog to your candy:

Lynsay Joanne said...

Hi Maria.
wow that candy is great love to be in for a chance of winning off to put a link on my blogg.

Love lynsay

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! Congratulations to you! I've made a post about it in my blog: Thanks for a chance to win!


Mouse40 said...

wow Maria, this blog candy is fantastic.
Congratulations on blog's birthday!
I became a follower and added a link to my blog

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog! Very nice candy!Congratulations to you!

Posted about your candy in my blog


Ana Isabel said...

Que maravilloso sorteo, felicitaciones por tantas visitas...htt:// said...

WOW... wonderful candy!!thanks for the chance!
I put a link on my blog!!

good luck

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I check it every day!
Thanks for the chance to win!
You can find the link to your candy in my sidebar.
I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Moni said...

Lovely candy, just love to win it! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni

Lynne Gilbert said...

Hi Maria
What a great Candy this month. Off to add a link on my blog. Keeping fingers and toes crossed!!!
Speak soon.
Love Lynne. XXX

Sena said...

Congrats on your hits!! Fabby candy!!!
I have your link at
Thank you so very much!

Yulia said...

Maria, yuo have a great blog!

~Vittory~ said...

Hi Maria!
You have awesome blog. And your candy is so YUMMY! I would love to win it especially that the 27th march is my birthday. It would be GREAT present.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
With best wishes,
P.S. I've added link on my sidebar.

Louloupi said...

Hi Maria,

I'm Louloupi from France....

I just want to say that your are here on my blog ..... ;-)

I'm crossing my fingers now.....

Have a good day

Louloupi ;-)

Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win such amazing candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

ViolaMoni said...

That's a great candy!!I love it!
And I linked it on my blog, in my candy box!
Thanks for the chance!
Hugs from Italy :)

Swedie said...

Wow! Congratulations on reaching 10,000 - that's a great accomplishment. Thanks for the candy chance.


Regina said...

Congratulations on getting to 10000! That's great!
Thanks for offering up such wonderful blog candy it’s so generous of you!
I have linked your candy in my sidebar and now I just have to hope to win!!!!
Thanks for your lovely creations on your blog!!
Greetings Regina from Germany

*Susan* said...

Thanks for the chance to win this amazing blog candy! I am so glad I stumbled on your blog from...I can't remember where! I may not always have time to comment, but I ooh & ahh over your works! (love the "indulge yourself" card!)
I've added you under my Blog Candy and to my Inspirations Places sidebars on my Blog!
Susan :-)

Jana said...

I just came accross your blog and found out that you are a great artist. You'll certanly become my everyday station. Thank you for giving me a chance.

Unknown said...

Gosh that looks like a fabulous lot of candy...of course I will link you on my blog


Kristina said...

I'm new to your blog but I like it a lot. Congratulations on such a great number of visitors. Thanks for the huge lovely candy. I will link you to my blog sidebar "bonbončki". Love Kristina

Mary said...

Awesome blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win some great prizes. I love visiting your blog. Off to link you now:

Barbara said...

Wow, Maria! That is one gorgeous candy! I've linked you on my blog.
Hugs from Slovenia!

Olga said...

What amazing blog candy! It's one of the most sweet I've ever seen! I'm a newby in "real" scrapbooking (I made a digital ones for a pretty long time and now would like to get some new experience so began to scrap in “reality”) so I need materials and I dream to win this candy!
I like your works.
Best wishes and good luck!

Tanja said...

waw what a candy and what a blog.

Love it, love it, love it!!

I have put a link to your blog on sidebar of my blog.

Best regards from sLOVEnia, Tanja

Olga said...

Just linked you to my sidebar! Crafty mood!

Ciacchina said...

Wow what a wonderful candy!!!!!
I like your blog!!!!!!!!!
I have linked your candy in my right sidebar
Hugs from Italy

Tanya said...

Hi from Moldova. It`s a wonderful blogcandy. My blog

Carri said...

I love visiting your blog cause you are sooo talented. The blog candy is an added treat.

Maria said...

Hi from Argentina!
thnaks for the chance to win !!
I posted you candy in my blog
Thanks again

Karenladd said...

Oh my, that batch of goodies is so wonderful that I'm hyperventilating! LOVE the stamps and the chipboard, and well....everything!
Congrats on the success of your blog!

Karenladd said...

I posted a link to your contest on the About.Com Scrapbooking forum here:

Michelle said...

Hey Maria - it's hardly surprising that you've reached 10000 hits considering the international following that you obviously have!! Thanks for the chance of winning all your lovely goodies - I would link you on my blog but as you know's still in construction!!!!! Take care & keep on crafting love Michelle xx

Anonymous said...

Hello! Candy super! I am from Russia!
Thank you for the opportunity vygrat a charm:)
Here is a link to my blog -

Cardmaking Galore said...

Congrats on your hits! The lucky winner will be delighted to receive this fab blog candy. Thanks for the chance and am keeping my fingers crossed.

I have linked you on my sidebar and will be up till the 27th March

Kukusinka said...

Hello, Maria!
Very nice candy!
Congrats on your hits!
Posted about your candy in my blog

Melanie said...

You have an awesoem blog and some nice candy. I just linked you to my blog

ale82 said...

complime nti per le tantissime visite ricevute, ma anche per le tue creationi, tutte molto belle, io vorrei partecipare al tuo blog candy, ciao

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Congrats on the hits. I posted about your blog candy in the bar on the right side of my blog:

shinz @ cosycabin said...

Wow...Maria, congrats on the hits! and thanks for your generosity for this superb candy~thanks for the chance to win too! I hope i can win this as 27th is my birthday!! *Ü*
gotta link your blog on my sidebar right now~~

shinz x

breizhepona said...

Hi Maria,

I'm Breizh Epona

I just wanted to say that your are on my blog for this blog candy =>

I'm crossing my fingers now and hope to win :)))

Have a very good day

Breizh Epona

Anonymous said...

Hello from Canada. I stumbled on your blog in my ever searching inspiration hunt. Thought I'd say hi.

Saw that you were giving out some candy, if you don't mind shipping to Canada, I'd love a chance to win it.

Cristina said...

Your blog is so beautiful!
Great Candy!
I wan't participate too.
Your blog is in my blog, I don't wan't forgoten your works.

Marina said...

congratulations on the 100000 visitors!!
I would like to participate!
I put a link to your blog on my blog,ok?

Susie Sugar said...

Hi Maria , congratulations on your 100000 hits , fantastic candy and a stunning blog too darling, I have linked your super candy to my blog, Thank you for the chance to win.
I also have candy on offer on my Blog so if you are interested please pop over and enter
Love Susie

Nikki said...

Fantastic Candy You have it's ohh So Yummy .. can't eat it but would love to win it :)
Thanks for the Chance
I'll add you into my blog too

Suzy said...

Another great candy here. I put the link on my blog.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Hi Maria! You´re being very generous with this candy. Thanks for the chance. I linked you here.
x Natasha x

Marna said...

Cangratulations on hits!
I've linked you in the sidebar of my blog.
Thanks for the chance.

Becki and Alan said...

Hi Maria - gorgeous blog candy again! Off to put a link on our blog, so would you put a very special entry into your draw for us please??

Maja said...


Great candy! I havent participated in candys for a long time so I will give it a try!

Natalie Z said...

Hi Maria! Congratulations on blog's birthday!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

Hi, fab giveaway you have, I've put a link to it on my blog.

Thanks Jan x

Dancing Lady said...

Awsome Candy..thanks a lot for the chance!!!
Your candy is now on my blog.. :-D

Julie Temple said...

COngratulations on your hits...WONDERFUL!! I will link you to my blog..thanks for the chance!

Rubber Hugs,

Anonymous said...

awesome candy
thanks for this lovely chance
I spread the word on my sidebar

greetings from Germany

Malin E said...

You have a really nice blog, got here by following other links on blogs.
I made a link on my blog to you blogcandy to.
Hugs Malin

Teri said...

Hi : )

I've linked to you from my blog! Thank you for the chance to win!

Teri xx

aniceandcinnamon said...

Hi Maria, your blog it's very nice! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get it!

Callie said...

Linked you on my side blog. Thanks for the chance for some yummy blog candy. And congrats on all those visitors! Amazing!

Just Sweet Creations said...

Congrats on your blog and wow what yummy candy. Hope to win and have linked you to my blog.Thanks Anne

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Thanks for offering such YUMMY blog candy, and Congrats on the hits! I'll list this on my blog (http;// so please enter me twice!

Jodi said...

Congrats on your 10,000 visits! I just came across your blog and have added you to my follow list. Thanks for the chance to win these fantastic goodies :)

I've linked your giveaway on my blog as well.

Beti said...

All congrats to you! And thank You, for doing so inspiring work!
I gave your blog candy to my sidebar to spread the word;)
So that makes my second chance, wright?
Have fun!

Maggie.F said...

I really enjoy to read your blog ...
You always give me some unique inspirations on creating cards...
thanks for that...

And, thanks for giving me a chance to win all these pretty stuff!:)

Have a nice day!

Best Wishes,

Maggie.F said...

OH!!!BTW, don't forget to put my name twice as I 've linked you, introduced your offer to everyone in my blog. Of course, I am your follower as well!:)
Thanks again

Christine said...

What awsome cany. Lots of stuff. Thanks for the chance to win.

Christine said...

I've linked your candy on my blog now. Love your blog!!!

angelmoon said...

Hello! Congratulations to you! I've made a post about it in my blog:

Froggy said...

Congrats on hitting 10,000!!! Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy! I put a link on my blog!


L-Bee said...

Congrats on the 10,000 hits Maria. Thanks for the opportunity to be in with a chance of this fabby blog candy....

I've put a link over on my blog.


Jilly said...

Great blog candy. Thank you for the chance to win and you have a great blog full of inspiation. I have linked to your candy on my blog

Nina Castaldi Fickett said...

Wonderful opportunity, your blog is an inspiration chocked full of imaginative and creative ideas. Link'ed ya up at Purple Faerie

MarikaGabez said...

Hello, Maria!
Great candy and really special.
Congratulations on getting to 10000! That's great!
I add link on my blog Here

Anonymous said...

Love your candy, thank you for the chance on winning it :)
I'll link you!
X, Ava

Gosia said...

Sweet candy, wonderfull blog.
Thanks to the chance,
greetings from Poland

Tertia said...

That is awesome candy! Thanks for the chance to win.

santaselfhb said...

Love the blog candy!
I just became a follower and will post a link to your site on

Karim Gomez said...

hi maria, waht a wonderfull giveaway! i'm linking you on my blog!!!!!

greetings from mexico ;)

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog hunni! and well done for all your hits! I've linked you twice in my blog!

thank you for the chance to win

hugz carlz xx

bombamagagna said...

wow!! that beautiful candy blog :) I so much hope to gain these beautifulst gifts also because the 28 will be mine b-day ;p

bombamagagna said...

I have not written a post but I have put the link of yours blog in the fixed column of announcements

Rowee said...

Hi Maria!! congrats on your hits!!! I'm there's still more hits to come!! Your blog is awesome!! Your creations are inspiring!!! Off to link now!!
Hope I win!! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
thanks for the chance!

Tracey said...

Congratulations on the success of your blog, it's truely inspirational and I can see why it is so popular. I have posted a link about your candy on my blog.

Thanks for the chance to win
Tracey xxx

Unknown said...

Sure am glad I have a scroll wheel on my mouse, scrolled for a long, long way to get to the comment form.
I've added you to my blog and also have become a follower.

Carole RB said...

You have a great blog. Thanks for a chance to wing this great blog candy.

ale82 said...

ciao io son ale82, ti faccio tanti complimenti per il tuo blog , vorrei pure iscrivermi al tuo blog candy, sperando per una volta di riuscire a vincere qualcosa, ancora tanti complimenti
ciao ale

Donnas Den said...

This is great blog candy and a terrific blog. I've put a link to you on my candy sidebar.

Well done on 10,000 hits.



Mariyca said...

Lovely blogcandy!
Thanks for the chance to win it!

Alice said...

Very big blog candy, thanks for a chance to win it! I put a link to my candybar!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win some lovely candy. The rangers daubers look interesting. Haven't tried them yet but they look like fun.

iReneM said...

Wow, Maria, I've just had a little wander round your blog and think it is great.
Thanks for offering this yummy candy.
I have linked you in my sidebar

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Maria, you have a wonderful blog, and what lovely blog candy. I have put your candy on my sidebar. I have not been here before i don't think, im loving your blog! hugs Linda x

Eve said...


You have really nice candy. I've linked u ! =) keep up the good work.

fitsandstarts said...

I love it!! I have linked to your blog candy in my candy bowl! : )

Anonymous said...


What yummy candy. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I have added a picture and link in my sidebar.

Have a fabulous day!


Michelle said...

How generous of you! Thank you for the chance to win! I've added you on my sidebar!


sandra's crafty corner said...

thanks for the chance to win, i have linked you to my blog,
congrats on your hits xxx
sandra x

CraftyRia said...

Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful candy!

I added you to my blog:

Cher said...

Hi Maria! How awesome is that many hits? Not too many accomplish this, but knew you would. Your blog is great...ty for all your continued inspiration and ideas all the time. I enjoy reading not only your blog but everyone's comments. It is clear you are very important to us! Ty for a chance to win, I never do but I keep trying :) . Keep up your great blog tho, we need u! Cher

Tina said...

Yum - your blog candy looks amazing and so does your blog - will visit again. Great meeting you. If you have time please visit me.

sweet dreams

lana said...

Congratulations, Maria, on all those hits and wow such lovely candy! I posted a link on my blog

Monika Reeck said...

Hallo Maria...I love your new card with pink is so adorable..congrats also on your hits..I have no blog I really sorry....but I will see your porject always....thanks for the chance to win your fab candy.Hugs, Monika in Germany

peggy said...

Hello Maria,

I was hopping from one blog to another ....your creations are awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your hits!
The lucky winner will be delighted to receive candy.
Thanks for the chance to win !!!

I have linked you on my sidebar .

Greetings from Belgium,


Unknown said...

!Enhorabuena por tus trabajos!
Qué pasada de blog candy. Ójala me tocase.
No tengo blog, así que no he podido anunciarlo pero Felicidades por tu blog.

Shani said...

So wonderful candy!!thanks for the chance!

My link here:

Peggy said...

Hi! Congratulations on all the hits. Great candy blog. Thank you for letting me enter. Sorry no blog. God bless.

Amy C said...

What fabulous blog candy!! I have posted a link to your blog candy on my blog side bar HERE.

Dominga said...

Congratulations on the blog ... sorry but do not speak English well. thanks for the chance.Kisses from italy

Beverley said...

Congrats on your 10,000 hits, your blog candy looks fab. Have added a link on my blog. Bev x

dj said...

While blogging this evening while all my family is gone and the house is quite I came up on your blog--Yeah!! and found blog candy to boot!! How cool!! So count be in and see your listing on my side bar:

Anne said...

ohhhhhhh fabby candy Maria and a great blog too.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I'll leave a link on my sidebar for you
Anne x

Ashley Newell said...

And I'm linking this on my blog.

actressangel at gmail

Lorraine A said...

Hi Maria , fabulous candy, am posting a pic link on my blog candy list :-)

Chrissie said...

What fabulous candy Maria and how generous of you.
I've popped a link and photo on my sidebar.

StampinCathy said...

Congrats on your hits! Your projects are just so creative and inspiring. This is some amazing celebrate candy. You are going to make 1 stamper very happy when this shows up in their mailbox. Thanks so much for a chance.

K said...

Great candy, thanks for the chance :) And congratulations on a really great number of visitors! I blogged your candy here
Bye, Kitty

Donna said...

Fabulous goodies to giveaway Maria, thank you so much for the chance to win it. Am off to post a link on my blog candy sidebar. Thank you once again

cifrovoefoto said...

that candy is superrrr!!!

Sally said...

What great candy, thanks for the opportunity to win it, will keep everything crossed. Here
I have also become a follower, would love for you to take a look at my blog sometime.
Hugs Sallyxx

Heather said...

very generous giveaway. I will post on my blog and sign up to follow!

Jacilynn said...

Great Candy. Thanks for offering it. You have a lovely blog! I've linked you!

lalalla said...

Hello! I've posted about your sweet candy here

iriniee said...

Hello MAria

Thank you for your generous and pretty candy. Congratulations pfor your hit.

I´m crossing my fingers.

Candy said...

Yepper, great candy!!! You are officially linked on my sidebar!


moi said...

Congrats for so many hits.
Thanks for Paper Flower tutorial, WOW.
Great Candy, I hope to be lucky winner ;)


Wellnifty said...

Hi, Congratulations on all your hits, Lovely blog and thanks for the chance of getting the great candy, have put a link on my sidebar

Chris x

Dary said...

Thanks for the chance
I've written about your candy on my blog:

Dilorf said...

Congrats to all the hits!
I have linked you at my blog here:

Thanks for all the inspiration at your blog!

-Cathy said...

wow! what great blog candy. thanks for the opportunity. i love the flowers you make and what a great tutorial.

Christine said...

Hi Maria congrats on your hits, great candy your have, off to link you to my side bar & adding a mention of your inspiring blog, thanks for the chance to win.

Christine xx

Edys Gonçalves said...

Everything is so wonderful!!! Thanks!

Edys Gonçalves said...

I've linked you (sidebar)

Solange Fernandes said...

Hi Maria.
wow that candy is great love to be in for a chance of winning off to put a link on my blog.mY name is Solange , from Brasil.

Karine Morais Balabuch said...

Hi Maria, thank's for the chance!
My link for this post:

Unknown said...

Hallo, Maria. I want try. My link

Clare with paint in her hair said...

wow what awsome candy and what an awsome blog too!!

Jeanette said...

hi there this is my first time to visit your blog and it is nice & inspiring. i hope i can make projects like yours in the future.

Jeanette said...

by the way i linked you to my blog : thanks

NOa said...

Hi> thanks> great candy!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Maria, congratulations on 10,000 hits. That is some achievement. I have put a link on my sidebar, added you onto my blog and my Feed Blitz. Best wishes, Kym

Melanie said...

Great candy! :)

Unknown said...

fabby candy could really do with some stamps lol!"!! i havent got poppping you on my side bar and ill spread the word...sassyxxx

Angela said...

Hi! I´ve linked your candy in my blog!

Beth aka BR-T said...

I've liked your candy to my side bar! Thanks for the chance and congrats on the mega hits! BR-T

Riina said...

Congrats on the 10 000 hits! Wow! :D
Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy, too!

Greetings from Sweden!

Marika said...

Fab candy! I linked it on my italian blog

А@A said...

Hello Maria. Your Candy is fabulous. thank you for the chance to win

А@A said...

Here is your link on my blog second entry ;)

Sheri said...

I put your link in my blog! This is so very generous of you! Good luck to everyone!

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway.


I sure would love to win.

I linked you up~

jude said...

Congrats on your hits Maria! you have an awesome blog and candy. thanks for the chance

Lykoe said...

Loved u'r candy, I posted a link in here:

Tanc said...

Congratulations on the hits!
I linked you to my blog

Mindy said...

I linked you on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome candy!

Creativika said...

Hi! I have made a post about your wonderful candy! It's here:
Thanks for the chance to participate and to win! :)

ScrapyCrafts said...

Oh what a great candy
thank you for the chance

ScrapyCrafts said...

....I've linked candy in my blog

Olya Kopylova said...

thank u so much for opportunity to win this amazing candy!
here is a link to my blog -
i hope, i will be lucky this time!

Janet L. said...

I really like your blog. Can't wait to make a paper rose like yours! Thanks for the chance to win such great candy!

Scrapy33 said...

Thanks a lot for this Blog Candy, pick me pick me, hehehhe

Milagros Aguirre said...

Your candy is really sensacional! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get it. I became a follower and added a link to my blog.


nice said...

Hi,Maria! Nice to meet you and your blog is amazing. Thanks for sharing with us your talent. About the "extra candy" it's an extraordinary gift and I want them.

jeanie de la rama said...

hi!linked your blog candy in the sidebar of my blog!

thanks for a chance to play. :)

Estela said...

What a generous prize! I've linked you on my sidebar. Crossing fingers now!

Nastia said...

Hi, Maria! I've linked your blog on my sidebar! The candy is soooo sweet! Hope to win it!

And your blog is so beautiful? now i follow it too!

Anonymous said...

your blog is to link..

denize said...

Thanks for a great opportunity!!! Wonderful candy!!!!! Мy link -

Mary M. said...

Congratulations!! Thanks for the chance to enter. I don't have a blog

Mary Merrifield

Kamaftut said...

Hi Maria! Congrats on your hits!

I linked in my blog to your candy:


Mirna said...

Congrats on the hits and great candy!

Monica Anderberg said...

Wow what an awesome blog candy! Here is my link:

Laura Fdz said...

Hola!, me encanta tu blog, Felicidades por tantísimas visitas, es emocionante....
Me anotoal candy, ya dejé el enlace en mi blog....

Rox-Ann said...

I love your blog just found it but have got it bookmarked. Great blog candy to.Thanks for sharing!

Jacquie Hart said...

WOW GREAT CANDY!! I also posted it on my blog @

Whozz Me???... said...

Congrates on the hit Maria....

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa I heart Tim Holtzzzzzz........ I wannnn....... check out my link... x-finger i win...

tnapay said...

thank you for the chance! posted your candy here:

have a nice day!

Tanja said...

What a great candy, thanks for the chance to win!

I've linked your candy on my blog!

Hugs, Tanja

lalalla said...

Hi I've posted about your candy here on my blog

Alex said...

WOW - what a great candy!
I linked it in my Sidebar
greetings from Vienna, Austria

Michele Roos said...

WOW gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance to win this. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Michele x

Kimmi said...

Hi Maria. You're offering some brilliant blog candy.. who ever wins will be v lucky. I've linked you and a pic to my blog :o)..

Laura said...

Congratulations on the hits!
I linkeed your candy in my blog:
Thanks for a chance to win such amazing candy!

Hugs, Laura

Tanya said...

It`s a wonderful candy!
My blog:

Gracie Ann Tan said...

Awesome blog and yummy candy! Got my fingers crossed. I blogged about it here:


Gracie Ann Tan said...

Awesome blog and yummy candy! Got my fingers crossed. I blogged about it here:


Kristen said...

Awesome blog candy! Ilove the tutorial on how to make paper flowers. I can't wait to try it!

Giselle said...

Congrats on your hits..!
Great candy..! I've posted a link on my blog and I've become a follower..!!

Gis xxx

Pam said...

Congratulations on reaching 10K! How awesome! Thanks for the chance to win some candy.

ILuvBNaMom said...

What a great selection of blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on reaching the big 10,000!!!

Oh, I've posted a link to your candy on my blog!

Annita said...

I love your work, and your blog candy is YUMMY !!!
I have linked to you on my blog.

hugs Annita

Danka Doo said...

Thank you for the chance to win!! Congrats on all your hits!!

zime said...

Hi Maria, This is for international readers too?? OHHH I'll be glad to win this Candy-Xtra Special!!!

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous candy you got to offer...lovely blog aswell :)

monyart said...

I just found your blog. I LOVE your flower tutorial. I teach art/photo to high school students and I am incorporating scrapbooking in their sketchbooks/visual journals. Winning this blog candy would benefit both me and 100+ students!

slbt17 said...

WOW! What fun, thanks for the inspiration.

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